15 March 2016

Florida Blue Large Group Cost Management Program Expansion

Effective April 1, 2016 you must ensure that a prior authorization has been approved before you have one of the services listed below:

  • Advanced Imaging:  Radiological services such as CTs, CTAs, MRIs/MRAs, PET scans, nuclear medicine and cariovascular system procedures such as myocardial imaging, myocardianl infusion studies and cardiac blood pool imaging.
  • Select Medical Pharmacy Drugs: The list of drugs affected by this change is available online at floridablue.com/authorization or by calling customer service for assistance.
  • Sleep Studies:  Services to diagnose certain sleep disorders such as snoring, apneas or hypopneas in a home or facility setting.
  • Spine Care:  Services to manage pain related to the spine, such as injections and surgeries.
  • Radiation Oncology:  Radiation therapy services provided in an outpatient setting.